Citations and References


Electronic Sources
Text or Multimedia from Web Pages, FTP sites, Telnet

1. Connors, Mary Ann "Exploring Fractals". Lectures on fractals. 1997. (Aug.1998)

2. Weisstein, Eric "Space-Filling Curve". Recursive graphics algorithms. 1998. (Aug.1998)

3. Schernau, Michael "Fractree". Program to design and draw fractal trees. (Aug.1998)

4. Negrino, Tom; Smith, Dori "The Joy of JavaScript". Tutorial on JavaScript. 1998 (Aug.1998)

Electronic Sources
Publications on CD-ROM, Diskette, or Magnetic Tapes

1. Images: Solomon Guggenheim Museum, Spiral of Progress Monument. The 1996 Multimedia Encyclopedia. Electronic Publishing, Inc., Boston:Grolier 1996.

2. Smith, Thomas. "Archimedes". The 1996 Multimedia Encyclopedia. Electronic Publishing, Inc., Boston:Grolier 1996.

3. "Benoit Mandelbrot", "Spirals and Helicies". Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Science 2.0.Dorling Kindersley Limited, DK Multimedia, 1997.

Printed Materials

1. Beaumont, Bill. "Chaos the attraction of attractors." The australian mathematics teacher, vol.49, no.2, 1993

2. von Baravalle, H. "The number Pi". Nature and history of Pi. Reprinted series, edited by William L. Schaaf. School Mathematics Study Group, USA, 1967.

3. von Baravalle, H. "The Geometry of the Pentagon and the Golden Section". Golden Section. Reprinted series, edited by William L. Schaaf. School Mathematics Study Group, USA, 1967.

Printed Materials
Part of a book

1. Gardner, Martin. "Krestiky-Noliky" (Rus.), Moscow: Mir, 1988, pp. 11-22.

2. Martin, Kathleen; Bearde, Donna. "Mathematics and Logo. A Turtle Trip Through Geometry", Reston, Virginia: Reston Publishing Company, Inc., pp.77-88